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Remote controlled audio app on iOS

With the single and double tap actions getting interpreted correctly (here’s how that went) let’s do something more useful than random sine wave tones!

What can it do now?

I’m borrowing some code from the Muser Ignite VST3/AU plug-in. Specifically, I wanted to add record and looping playback logic to this evolving app.

An acoustic guitar looper

Given the page turner successfully sends timely signals to the UI as both immediate single taps and quick double taps, this opens up the ability to have more than two functions from ostensibly a two button foot switch.

How to loop

I experimented with a few different workflows whilst holding a guitar and going through the motions. What felt most natural was:

  • Down button [single]: start recording (“lay down a track”).

  • Down button [single] again: if already recording, end it and immediately start looping the audio.

  • Down button [single] from now on: toggles pausing or resuming the audio playback.

  • Up button [single]: if there is audio, rewind to the beginning. If playback was in progress this will jump you back to the beginning and keep playing. Kind of fun if you want to replay the initial section of the recording.

  • Up button [double]: if there is audio, erase it. This automatically primes the app ready to record using the down button again.

Demo time!

Here’s my recording of using the above functionality. At least some of it. You’ll see me using the record and playback functionality. I’ve edited out the bit where I messed up and wanted to start over. As you now know that was done with a double up tap.

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